Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Perception error

In everything that we perceive there is an error. This error is due to inherent biases that we have.
Recently I had experienced a self serving bias. A peculiar analytical problem was to be solved. The whole batch was given the problem. I was one of those very few people who could say that they have solved the problem.

I went on a little further, I also convinced others that it was correct. I was very happy that I was correct.

Today, a friend of mine asks for the solution, he go throughs it and comes up with places where it would fail.

Now the perception that the problem was solved changes. So, the problem is solved only till no one else can point out that the there is a problem with the solution.

Forget me, consider most famous things. Consider the larger things, the discoveries that are proposed are accepted as benchmarks and are taken for granted. Once another discovery comes saying that the discovery is incorrect/incomplete. Now, the discoverer is pushed out of credit. And this would also happen to the new discoverer, but a little late.

Examples of Geocentric universe, every one liked it, they accpeted it to be universal truth. Later, a really courageous person comes out with a differring opinion, viz. Heliocentric. Now we all know and accept that it is helio centric. Later, it could be changed to some other thing when there is more available information.

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