Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New things, new life, new year

Many of them wished me, a great, happy, healthy, prosperous, wonderful, blissful, etc. new year. Every year I wish to myself, how wonderful it would be if their wishes were fulfilled. Probably, one of those rare instances when I wished the others' wishes come true.

Things remain the same every year. I go through the same set of things.
1. New things happen, get very excited about these. Eventually, they become old and get into the list of things that are no more exciting. Some of them, move to the list of "always-exciting" things.
2. No-more-exciting things
3. Boring ones
4. Irritating ones
5. Things that are always exciting

But still it is a new year, marking the beginning of new things, new cycle for Sun, new cycle of seasons. Every thing starts again, but they are the same things. Then why is it called a new year. But it brings in nothing new along with it. It serves the same old wine in a new bottle.

Is this not a mockery of words? A new year is just the same old wine packed in a new bottle. It is for this peripheral new things that we celebrate, we eat, drink, make merry, probably even gift things to each other. Instead of gifting others, why don't we gift ourselves the same. We say that it shows your love, your caring for others. When do we love and care the most important person in our life, the nearest person to us. It is non-other then the self. If that was the case, then why do we need a reason to show how much we care about our dearest ones, or ourselves.

This celebration does not make any sense. There are many more things that we celebrate. Do we need an occasion to express love to lover, love and respect to Mother and Father, friendship and trust to our friends? This can be done on any day, today, tomorrow, 1st, 31st, January or December.

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